Perfume Packaging - 5 Examples of Unique Cap Designs
The ability for a perfume bottle to stand out in retail displays and online stores plays a major role in generating brand awareness but in reality, packaging plays a much larger role. In the world of fragrance, branding is incredibly important in building trust and differentiating your brand. For this reason, perfume packaging should be looked at through the lens of what the packaging can do for brand marketing rather than being looked at as a cost center that also looks nice on retail shelves.
Having a custom perfume bottle is expensive to design and more expensive to produce. For perfume brands operating on a tight budget, standing out with a unique perfume bottle cap can be quite effective and less expensive to implement. Let’s examine 5 perfume brands that are utilizing distinctive caps to differentiate their packaging.
Archetipo by Mendittorosa
This perfume brand from Napoli, Italy prioritizes bringing in local artisans, in this case - Mauro Carrazza to create packaging that departs from the mundane stock packaging. Many of this brand’s caps are unique, but the perfume cap on Archetipo stands out as truly unique. This brand strives to be distinct from fragrance brands that use recognizable packaging by creating custom packaging that symbolizes emotions, ideas, and places in time. You will also note a lack of heat-pressed perfume labels or sticker labels, a measure that is cost-effective and draws attention to the high-quality thick glass of the bottle and unique cap designs.
Christian Provenzano
This perfume brand has caps that ooze luxury. The cap’s gold color and green glass match the emerald gems encrusted gold cap. These perfumes retail for over $300 and have the packaging to convey quality and uniqueness.
Reine de Saba
This perfume line has an ornate golden floral design that is designed to represent the exquisite Queen of Sheba, specifically the headdress she wore. Adorned with dazzling jewels, each gemstone reflects a different facet of her personality and reign, ensuring that the cap is not only a luxurious accessory but also a work of art steeped in history.
Stephane Humbert Lucas
This brand has a truly unique textured cap design that perfectly matches the unique bottle design to tie the packaging together effortlessly. Painter and poet, Stephane Humbert Lucas studied painting in the South of France, specializing in the tempera technique where the combination of pigments and their texture was prioritized.
Salas Parfums
Crowning each flacon is a radiant art piece, individually hand-crafted in Murano glass. This artisanal cap is blended into the brand marketing seamlessly through the color palette used in the photography to the origin of the brand in relation to the custom packaging.